Happy Octopus Land

So while painting the mural for my son I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest Octopus.  I loved the colors, the oddity and the sheer fun of painting an octopus… so I decided to paint one in watercolors instead of on a wall in acrylic. 


When painting in the puddling style one should plan out the basic shapes and think through the order of your painting.   With this painting I used masking fluid to preserve the shape of the octopus while keeping the background looking like it flows together and has an interesting composition.  The task then was to pick the order of the legs to paint…so fun!


I opted not to have each leg have suckers…. While it’s certainly possible to use masking fluid and go as detailed as you’d like with the painting I frankly just get bored with that level of detail…

One Response to “Happy Octopus Land”

  1. Angie Fair, Women's Wellness Center Says:

    BEAUTIFUL! We are very interested in featuring your wonderful works at the Women’s Wellness Center here in Everett. Please give me a call (425-259-9899).


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